Total portfolio value
-9.07% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ZRO 70.58 ZRO | $236.05 | -12.42% | $3.31 | |
ATH 700.00 ATH | $34.00 | -9.35% | $0.05 | |
LMWR 77.00 LMWR | $13.41 | +1.25% | $0.17 | |
ETH 0²407 ETH | $12.71 | -5.65% | $3,117.46 | |
POL 19.55 POL | $7.33 | -9.10% | $0.37 | |
ASS 5.74 B ASS | $5.34 | -3.01% | $0⁸100 | |
TONCOIN 1.00 TONCOIN | $4.63 | -5.60% | $4.59 | |
Mork 150.00 k Mork | $2.93 | -6.64% | $0⁴194 | |
CADM 19.11 B CADM | $1.62 | - | $0¹⁰848 | |
GTC 3.00 GTC | $1.56 | -10.97% | $0.52 | |
420x 5.02 B 420x | $1.50 | - | $0⁹328 | |
USDT 1.37 USDT | $1.37 | - | $1.00 | |
G 50.00 G | $1.22 | -10.27% | $0.02 | |
ZETA 2.78 ZETA | $1.15 | -7.37% | $0.42 | |
STG 3.62 STG | $1.10 | -9.36% | $0.31 | |
1FLR 44.49 k 1FLR | $1.08 | -3.91% | $0⁴244 | |
USDC.e 1.03 USDC.e | $1.03 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
BNB 0²153 BNB | $1.01 | -3.41% | $656.01 | |
MKMOON 778.55 B MKMOON | $0.98 | -0.97% | $0¹¹126 | |
YUMMY 824.40 k YUMMY | $0.94 | -0.87% | $0⁵113 | |
STG 2.70 STG | $0.82 | -9.27% | $0.31 | |
aPolWMATIC 2.04 aPolWMATIC | $0.77 | -16.60% | $0.37 | |
DOP 467.76 DOP | $0.37 | -16.16% | $0³801 | |
GPT 6.00 GPT | $0.28 | -9.78% | $0.05 | |
SLOKI 574.09 B SLOKI | $0.23 | -2.72% | $0¹²394 |
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