Total portfolio value
-4.51% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 0.99 ETH | $2.64 k | -4.80% | $2,669.82 | |
BNB 0.03 BNB | $17.55 | -2.00% | $637.25 | |
USDT 12.41 USDT | $12.41 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
MONKY 804.83 k MONKY | $2.09 | -17.41% | $0⁵260 | |
CAT 3.00 B CAT | $0.25 | -3.39% | $0¹⁰853 | |
MEDUSA 149.69 MEDUSA | $0.10 | +0.86% | $0³678 | |
MCC 0.20 MCC | $0.06 | +10.24% | $0.29 | |
PHRYGES 1.16 M PHRYGES | $0.03 | - | $0⁷277 | |
TFRNZY 1.00 k TFRNZY | $0.03 | - | $0⁴307 | |
APU 163.16 APU | $0.03 | -11.27% | $0³181 | |
USDT 0²344 USDT | $0.00 | -0.03% | $1.00 | |
COCO 1.00 COCO | $0.00 | +2.75% | $0²185 | |
OMALLEY 190.87 k OMALLEY | $0.00 | - | $0⁸727 | |
HARRIS 11.23 k HARRIS | $0.00 | - | $0⁷942 | |
NEIRO 2.0 3.00 NEIRO 2.0 | $0.00 | - | $0³257 | |
TRUMP 5.00 TRUMP | $0.00 | - | $0⁴911 | |
CAPYBARA 0.05 CAPYBARA | $0.00 | +1.06% | $0⁵625 | |
TALES 100.00 TALES | $0.00 | - | $0⁸143 | |
Harris 1.27 k Harris | $0.00 | - | $0¹¹812 | |
PNDC 0¹⁷100 PNDC | $0.00 | +9.95% | $0⁷395 | |
SPX 1.00 k SPX | $0.00 | +423.93% | $0³123 | |
BIDEN 202.40 BIDEN | $0.00 | -26.41% | $0³394 | |
Munchy 1.00 Munchy | $0.00 | -0.85% | $0⁴252 | |
EST 7.12 M EST | $0.00 | - | $0⁵208 | |
XMAN 15.30 M XMAN | $0.00 | - | $66,438,862,912.50 |
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