Total portfolio value
-0.32% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
USDC 324.02 USDC | $324.02 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
USDT 222.12 USDT | $222.15 | -0.02% | $1.00 | |
BNB 0.21 BNB | $135.77 | -3.21% | $644.55 | |
WCC 66.58 WCC | $114.02 | +0.05% | $1.72 | |
BTB 593.78 BTB | $37.65 | +8.28% | $0.06 | |
SCLP 417.51 SCLP | $22.64 | -6.24% | $0.05 | |
Aidoggy 158.10 M Aidoggy | $19.58 | +1.00% | $0⁶123 | |
Cake 7.59 Cake | $18.44 | -3.29% | $2.42 | |
TGR 6.79 M TGR | $16.41 | - | $0⁵241 | |
TST4 2.37 M TST4 | $9.45 | -1.25% | $0⁵401 | |
FOMO 496.26 k FOMO | $9.39 | -0.07% | $0⁴189 | |
TCC 430.98 B TCC | $9.10 | - | $0¹⁰209 | |
binancehat 386.46 k binancehat | $8.98 | +1.06% | $0⁴232 | |
PESO 489.71 k PESO | $7.20 | - | $0⁴147 | |
COV 70.43 COV | $1.84 | - | $0.02 | |
SHIBTC 74.68 SHIBTC | $0.12 | +131.36% | $0²336 | |
ZGC 0²469 ZGC | $0.04 | +4.29% | $9.17 | |
grok 100.00 grok | $0.00 | +9.41% | $0⁴234 | |
TRUMP 55.81 TRUMP | $0.00 | - | $0⁴287 | |
TRUMP 8.00 TRUMP | $0.00 | -1.97% | $0⁴707 | |
DOGEALLY 70.33 M DOGEALLY | $0.00 | -2.39% | $0¹²550 | |
MELANIA 8.00 MELANIA | $0.00 | -10.79% | $0⁵276 | |
MAGT 0⁸937 MAGT | $0.00 | - | $0⁴104 | |
Broccoli 0¹⁷100 Broccoli | $0.00 | +29.56% | $0²998 | |
FC 0¹⁶370 FC | $0.00 | -5.72% | $0⁶246 |
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