Total portfolio value
+2.33% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 17.11 BNB | $10.99 k | -3.65% | $642.44 | |
BANANA 48.39 M BANANA | $267.46 | - | $0⁵552 | |
WLF 35.54 M WLF | $252.39 | +33.69% | $0⁵710 | |
YzY 38.94 M YzY | $231.37 | +17.95% | $0⁵594 | |
Giggle 32.08 M Giggle | $221.67 | +23.95% | $0⁵691 | |
PLS 39.70 M PLS | $218.70 | +9.63% | $0⁵550 | |
ORIONAI 36.34 M ORIONAI | $218.26 | +12.73% | $0⁵592 | |
LADRI 39.80 M LADRI | $217.89 | +8.72% | $0⁵547 | |
test 39.86 M test | $217.54 | +8.25% | $0⁵545 | |
DP 39.84 M DP | $217.52 | +9.19% | $0⁵546 | |
Metw 38.76 M Metw | $217.24 | +10.57% | $0⁵560 | |
CHMP 39.77 M CHMP | $217.24 | +9.17% | $0⁵546 | |
AYD 39.85 M AYD | $217.22 | +8.06% | $0⁵545 | |
$GALLAX 39.82 M $GALLAX | $216.82 | +8.73% | $0⁵544 | |
yu jie 39.85 M yu jie | $216.77 | +8.74% | $0⁵543 | |
yzy 39.82 M yzy | $216.54 | +8.53% | $0⁵543 | |
KOG 39.82 M KOG | $216.38 | +8.62% | $0⁵543 | |
LZY 39.83 M LZY | $216.13 | +8.14% | $0⁵542 | |
SN1 39.82 M SN1 | $215.75 | +8.65% | $0⁵541 | |
MRBEAST 39.86 M MRBEAST | $215.66 | +8.08% | $0⁵541 | |
Germany 39.63 M Germany | $215.61 | +8.11% | $0⁵544 | |
MCRE 39.77 M MCRE | $215.53 | +8.20% | $0⁵541 | |
SHIBF 39.58 M SHIBF | $215.37 | +8.28% | $0⁵543 | |
88888888 39.77 M 88888888 | $215.36 | +8.09% | $0⁵541 | |
AOG 39.77 M AOG | $215.36 | +8.24% | $0⁵541 |
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