Total portfolio value
+4.96% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
MOONLIGHT 11.89 B MOONLIGHT | $356.80 | +9.80% | $0⁷299 | |
POOCOIN 570.45 POOCOIN | $203.61 | -1.63% | $0.36 | |
ARB 37.69 ARB | $22.49 | -8.15% | $0.59 | |
USDT 10.00 USDT | $10.00 | +0.01% | $1.00 | |
USDC 8.09 USDC | $8.09 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
VAI 133.65 VAI | $6.90 | -4.45% | $0.05 | |
ETH 0²183 ETH | $5.80 | -4.77% | $3,161.22 | |
WENMOON 14.23 M WENMOON | $1.78 | +0.53% | $0⁶110 | |
PIT 5.94 B PIT | $1.74 | -2.99% | $0⁹310 | |
STAR 459.50 B STAR | $1.69 | - | $0¹¹433 | |
PATTY 3.59 M PATTY | $1.56 | - | $0⁶434 | |
MOONTOKEN 310.47 M MOONTOKEN | $1.52 | -0.29% | $0⁸541 | |
Mooni 3.56 B Mooni | $1.09 | -0.08% | $0⁹303 | |
PCK 171.95 B PCK | $0.74 | - | $0¹¹430 | |
FATCAT 1.81 M FATCAT | $0.65 | -3.02% | $0⁶360 | |
SAFELIGHT 1.70 B SAFELIGHT | $0.55 | - | $0⁹353 | |
Cake 0.09 Cake | $0.17 | -6.85% | $1.89 | |
AVLP 14.51 B AVLP | $0.12 | - | $0¹¹833 | |
OCTA 102.99 M OCTA | $0.08 | -2.12% | $0⁹864 | |
FSAFE 54.79 M FSAFE | $0.05 | -2.10% | $0⁸105 | |
DRAGON 62.84 DRAGON | $0.05 | - | $0³721 | |
DMND 25.82 T DMND | $0.04 | - | $0¹⁴148 | |
FOMO 11.93 FOMO | $0.03 | -2.84% | $0²217 | |
VAI 133.65 VAI | $0.00 | -2.33% | $0⁴368 | |
POL 0.01 POL | $0.00 | -6.36% | $0.38 |
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