Total portfolio value
+19.03% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 51.24 BNB | $33.47 k | -0.73% | $651.57 | |
GROQ 95.83 M GROQ | $1.20 k | -12.57% | $0⁴124 | |
Max 33.05 M Max | $1.16 k | -5.90% | $0⁴366 | |
BNC 2.20 M BNC | $920.32 | -11.54% | $0³407 | |
HWK 16.24 M HWK | $692.51 | +19.88% | $0⁴427 | |
DYOR 1.71 M DYOR | $474.28 | +1,338.10% | $0³273 | |
CZ 9.10 M CZ | $353.47 | +7.42% | $0⁴389 | |
MYSHELL 10.87 M MYSHELL | $320.41 | +88.56% | $0⁴303 | |
SZN 14.20 M SZN | $316.96 | +19.06% | $0⁴201 | |
SEMYON 358.00 k SEMYON | $227.19 | -3.72% | $0³632 | |
SIGXBT 23.23 M SIGXBT | $222.50 | -0.30% | $0⁵953 | |
BabyTST 2.52 M BabyTST | $173.60 | -14.87% | $0⁴618 | |
SEEK 10.60 M SEEK | $154.84 | -26.82% | $0⁴144 | |
Aximo 5.44 M Aximo | $138.32 | -5.26% | $0⁴256 | |
BINANCIAN 820.51 k BINANCIAN | $129.85 | -16.25% | $0³154 | |
Pi 700.00 k Pi | $124.72 | +53.87% | $0³174 | |
BEPITO 17.46 M BEPITO | $122.88 | -14.10% | $0⁵692 | |
JOSH 3.65 M JOSH | $117.08 | +18.14% | $0⁴324 | |
FIST 12.33 M FIST | $102.48 | +22.76% | $0⁵839 | |
dapps 23.26 M dapps | $98.36 | - | $0⁵404 | |
lxs(Φ,G) 13.98 M lxs(Φ,G) | $80.09 | +423.06% | $0⁵437 | |
KAERU 133.00 M KAERU | $79.64 | -10.26% | $0⁶604 | |
MyShell 15.48 M MyShell | $72.08 | +23.76% | $0⁵469 | |
BNBBOT 6.04 M BNBBOT | $70.92 | -3.89% | $0⁴117 | |
Sadie 19.36 M Sadie | $68.70 | - | $0⁵357 |
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