Total portfolio value
-14.81% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
DOGC 10.53 M DOGC | $361.21 | -13.08% | $0⁴335 | |
HULEZHI 44.88 k HULEZHI | $332.50 | -24.43% | $0²724 | |
MIYAGUCHI 3.90 B MIYAGUCHI | $245.50 | +16.77% | $0⁷814 | |
PI 2.64 M PI | $137.08 | +28.65% | $0⁴651 | |
TEN 2.21 B TEN | $132.34 | -37.40% | $0⁷552 | |
ARA 1.12 B ARA | $120.71 | -42.28% | $0⁶107 | |
INFG 94.98 B INFG | $84.70 | -55.54% | $0⁹847 | |
DISK 157.85 M DISK | $72.97 | +20.39% | $0⁶463 | |
JOANNA 547.41 M JOANNA | $72.72 | -73.86% | $0⁶127 | |
APU 16.84 M APU | $18.30 | - | $0⁵108 | |
ETH 0³826 ETH | $1.94 | -6.22% | $2,346.83 | |
DeepSwap 75.31 M DeepSwap | $0.42 | - | $0⁸545 | |
nezha 11.22 M nezha | $0.00 | - | $0⁴221 | |
AIRC 38.23 M AIRC | $0.00 | - | $0⁴433 | |
21SHARES 37.83 M 21SHARES | $0.00 | - | $0⁴439 | |
BOT 4.44 M BOT | $0.00 | +15,978.89% | $0²112 |
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