Total portfolio value
+0.55% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 1.55 ETH | $5.15 k | +1.70% | $3,326.65 | |
BOOE 16.93 k BOOE | $3.10 k | -4.05% | $0.18 | |
TEL 162.95 k TEL | $1.08 k | +3.82% | $0²664 | |
CHILLGUY 953.27 k CHILLGUY | $980.82 | +19.63% | $0³980 | |
RAY 133.13 RAY | $941.78 | - | $39.76 | |
CHEEMS 2.12 M CHEEMS | $928.59 | +1.43% | $0³439 | |
GME 3.78 M GME | $880.03 | -5.66% | $0³234 | |
LEASH 3.24 LEASH | $731.62 | +1.03% | $225.61 | |
ERS 1.03 M ERS | $445.79 | -33.35% | $0³389 | |
DF 4.23 k DF | $337.63 | -4.59% | $0.08 | |
WBTC 0²308 WBTC | $316.27 | -1.88% | $102,623.25 | |
Grok3 1.71 M Grok3 | $253.59 | +3.40% | $0³148 | |
Yilongma 872.64 Yilongma | $210.18 | -15.47% | $0.24 | |
HOPE 191.86 k HOPE | $164.64 | +19.39% | $0³858 | |
STARL 176.87 M STARL | $137.35 | +0.46% | $0⁶774 | |
BSL 344.42 k BSL | $110.49 | - | $0³686 | |
FTX Token 42.59 FTX Token | $94.84 | -2.26% | $2.22 | |
USDS 679.57 k USDS | $82.17 | +7.58% | $0³129 | |
PNUT 2.15 k PNUT | $81.22 | -0.61% | $0.04 | |
PEPE 12.66 B PEPE | $79.90 | -0.53% | $0⁸628 | |
SLIMER 53.01 M SLIMER | $77.18 | -11.92% | $0⁵143 | |
eMax 150.18 B eMax | $61.90 | +7.55% | $0⁹413 | |
PUSSY 10.27 M PUSSY | $57.99 | +1.84% | $0⁵580 | |
OPNAI 378.18 k OPNAI | $45.53 | - | $0³120 | |
DINU 128.00 B DINU | $32.87 | +3.24% | $0⁹257 |
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