Total portfolio value
+4.65% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 1.71 BNB | $1.12 k | -2.48% | $654.13 | |
TST 70.59 M TST | $530.91 | +0.12% | $0⁵754 | |
XUEMANZI 13.48 M XUEMANZI | $467.46 | -3.95% | $0⁴350 | |
BibyPi 53.01 M BibyPi | $202.04 | - | $0⁵379 | |
Pi 1.09 T Pi | $81.33 | -2.02% | $0¹⁰716 | |
AIGF 257.48 M AIGF | $33.67 | +480.83% | $0⁶128 | |
FIST 53.36 M FIST | $3.09 | -1.54% | $0⁷579 | |
CZ 2.82 CZ | $2.02 | -3.35% | $0.72 | |
ETH 0³710 ETH | $1.98 | +0.90% | $2,793.46 | |
ye 41.81 k ye | $0.36 | -92.68% | $0⁵865 | |
€CZ 1.80 B €CZ | $0.27 | +23.97% | $0⁹147 | |
DeepSeek 25.60 DeepSeek | $0.16 | -92.17% | $0²624 | |
FLOKITA 412.71 FLOKITA | $0.00 | -0.87% | $0⁵402 | |
BROCCOLI 26.87 BROCCOLI | $0.00 | -5.02% | $0⁵839 | |
FC 666.00 FC | $0.00 | -6.20% | $0⁶245 | |
Blue Cat 0.80 Blue Cat | $0.00 | -0.97% | $0⁵720 | |
HarryBolz 0.78 HarryBolz | $0.00 | - | $0⁵621 | |
SOL 0⁷180 SOL | $0.00 | -3.75% | $166.75 | |
Broccoli 0.03 Broccoli | $0.00 | -13.86% | $0⁴806 | |
Dogefather 0.01 Dogefather | $0.00 | -30.33% | $0⁴151 | |
XUEMANZI 0.94 XUEMANZI | $0.00 | -15.16% | $0⁷985 | |
DeepSeek 0³187 DeepSeek | $0.00 | -28.83% | $0⁴529 | |
Malinois 0⁴894 Malinois | $0.00 | - | $0⁵453 | |
SO 10.00 SO | $0.00 | +12.82% | $2.32 | |
ACT 60.00 k ACT | $0.00 | - | $0.02 |
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