Total portfolio value
-2.99% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
MLT 1.03 k MLT | $11.69 | -0.43% | $0.01 | |
NINA 1.50 k NINA | $10.07 | -10.93% | $0²689 | |
ELON 43.30 M ELON | $7.92 | -2.78% | $0⁶187 | |
CZ 4.00 CZ | $5.93 | +6.82% | $1.48 | |
BITCOIN 66.12 BITCOIN | $5.83 | -0.05% | $0.09 | |
TERMINUS 102.50 TERMINUS | $4.36 | +1.93% | $0.04 | |
LADYS 114.50 M LADYS | $4.27 | -2.80% | $0⁷371 | |
LAYER 114.83 LAYER | $3.63 | -2.39% | $0.03 | |
BEE 142.99 BEE | $3.45 | - | $0.02 | |
VINU 124.35 M VINU | $2.87 | +1.11% | $0⁷231 | |
DOGE 96.89 DOGE | $2.62 | -10.24% | $0.03 | |
VOLT 9.50 M VOLT | $2.57 | -0.69% | $0⁶269 | |
BabyDoge 1.56 B BabyDoge | $2.47 | -5.55% | $0⁸158 | |
GLC 354.99 GLC | $2.20 | +9.00% | $0²618 | |
BNBcat 30.18 k BNBcat | $1.88 | -3.30% | $0⁴614 | |
ETH 0³610 ETH | $1.66 | -1.45% | $2,711.96 | |
BabyNeiro 453.56 B BabyNeiro | $1.65 | -7.43% | $0¹¹363 | |
CZ 48.72 k CZ | $1.61 | +0.98% | $0⁴330 | |
MONKY 544.64 k MONKY | $1.59 | -9.63% | $0⁵290 | |
DeepSeek 11.97 DeepSeek | $1.12 | -2.30% | $0.09 | |
CZ 3.77 M CZ | $1.07 | -2.60% | $0⁶285 | |
Broccoli 116.08 Broccoli | $1.07 | +19.24% | $0²935 | |
CAT 99.00 k CAT | $1.05 | -7.76% | $0⁴105 | |
GIGGLE 200.92 GIGGLE | $1.00 | -15.34% | $0²497 | |
Whale 2.51 k Whale | $0.98 | -1.25% | $0³388 |
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