Total portfolio value
-0.20% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
USDT 4.51 k USDT | $4.51 k | - | $1.00 | |
BNB 1.94 BNB | $1.27 k | -2.46% | $654.05 | |
ETH 0.27 ETH | $753.05 | +0.71% | $2,793.27 | |
HYDRA 9.50 k HYDRA | $641.67 | -0.49% | $0.07 | |
VAMPIRE 17.37 M VAMPIRE | $69.55 | - | $0⁵399 | |
MONKAS 135.88 M MONKAS | $63.22 | +27.70% | $0⁶464 | |
CAPBRO 5.60 M CAPBRO | $31.40 | -4.58% | $0⁵562 | |
Daram 9.50 M Daram | $27.70 | +21.62% | $0⁵295 | |
AIRENA 339.73 k AIRENA | $20.17 | -3.27% | $0⁴596 | |
EMoffice 1.57 M EMoffice | $10.47 | -2.70% | $0⁵660 | |
BM 1.68 M BM | $8.92 | +1.74% | $0⁵534 | |
Mercy 1.03 M Mercy | $8.52 | -89.54% | $0⁵847 | |
Dogcz 315.72 k Dogcz | $8.49 | +18.47% | $0⁴271 | |
SADIE 204.13 k SADIE | $5.86 | -8.07% | $0⁴290 | |
DONT 88.10 k DONT | $3.67 | +4.49% | $0⁴415 | |
SURELY 3.96 k SURELY | $0.06 | -0.97% | $0⁴139 | |
FOUR 8.00 FOUR | $0.01 | -15.78% | $0³950 | |
TST2.0 0.10 TST2.0 | $0.00 | - | $0⁴182 | |
Story 2.60 M Story | $0.00 | - | $0⁵341 | |
AAV 21.50 k AAV | $0.00 | - | $0.03 | |
AIGE 4.40 M AIGE | $0.00 | - | $0⁵620 | |
fmc 99.00 fmc | $0.00 | +51.21% | $0.01 |
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