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($33.83 P)
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CoinMarketCap.comWhat is the project about? Alchemy AI uses artificial intelligence to help users improve their trading habits by analyzing their historical trades. Alchemy AI runs these trades against historical data and shows traders where improvements could have been made and where mistakes could have been avoided.
What makes your project unique? Alchemy AI uses a unique approach to help traders learn on the fly. There is no need to understand complex models or technical analyses. Alchemy is for anyone and can be used by everyone.
History of your project. ACOIN was the first every "Lock Up" launch on Kucoin. As AI technologies become more popular Alchemy Ai has seen a surge in interest and has hired new leadership to work towards the original goals of Alchemy Ai as well as much more.
What’s next for your project? The next stage of Alchemy AI will be to analyze live data and help traders make better decisions with their current trades. Alchemy will use predictive modeling to show the user what may or may not happen and the best strategies to use in each scenario.
What can your token be used for? ACOIN is a limited supply ERC20 token with a 1% burn rate. ACOIN is used to power the Alchemy AI. Users must be holding a threshold amount of ACOIN in order to access the full features of Alchemy. ACOIN contract address: 0xB62D46A21fef0fADb5b92fC5eF7077E71e65631c
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